Why is it important to breakdown cardboard waste?

“Cradle to Cradle is like good gardening; it is not about saving the planet but about learning to thrive on it.”

Around 80 percent of all products sold either through online shopping or traditional shopping use cardboard packaging. However, 850 Million Tonnes of paper and cardboard are discarded annually. The EPA estimates that paper and cardboard materials represent the largest component of municipal solid waste.

If you are a business owner or manager, chances are you generate a lot of cardboard waste. But are you aware of the consequences? —especially in added costs—that arise from not breaking down your cardboard for disposal?

We have assembled a helpful detail about why ‘breaking it down’ is important. How properly doing so could create a revenue source for businesses, and the best practices to leverage for your cardboard waste.

  • Reduce Pollution
  • Conserves Energy
  • Averts Deforestation
  • Create jobs

It is very important that we cultivate the habit of recycling cardboard, rather than throwing your used cardboard in the bin.  Recycling is an essential service needed for protecting the planet and its natural resources.

Start recycling cardboard, get in touch with Yes Full Circle’s Proteco Service, which helps you manage items in which landfill avoidance is a necessity.

  • The service provides brand protection combined with traceable secure destruction and circular economy solutions.
  • The proprietary technology provides traceability to confirm and validate the entire recycling process from collection to final use.

The benefit of implementing the program is to reduce environmental pollution and creating a healthier planet for all. It is our responsibility to recycle right to protect our planet and sustain its beauty for generations to come.

For more information, please contact us at info@yesfullcircle.com

For More Info : Visit Here : Managing COVID-19 Waste


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